Dr J J (Sjaak) de Wit

Isim: Dr J J (Sjaak) de Wit
Akademik Ünvan: DVM PhD
Animal Health Service, PO Box 9, 7400 AA Deventer, The Netherlands.
Ilgi alanlari:
Hastalıkların diyagnostik yaklaşımı (kontrol), sahada aşı uygulamaları, virus tiplendirme (örn: IBDV ve IBV).
Su an ilgilendigi projeler:
IBDV suşlarının tiplendirilmesi (RT-PCR, sequencing, izolasyon, kros koruma çalışmaları) ve sahada aşı uygulamalarının optimize edilmesi, IBV testinin geliştirilmesi.
Seçme yayınları:
J J de Wit (2003) Gumboro Disease – the optimal time for vaccination.International Poultry Production, 11, 19-23.
Mekkes D R & Wit J J de (2002) Report of the FIRST international ring trail for Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) antibody detection in serum. Annual report and proceedings of COST Action 839: Immunosuppressiveviral diseases in, Sayfa 210-226.
Mekkes D R & Wit J J de (2002) Report of the second international ring trail for Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) antibody detection in serum. Annual report and proceedings of COSTAction 839: Immunosuppressive viral diseases in, Sayfa210-226.
J J de Wit (2001) Gumboro Disease: estimation of optimal time of vaccination by the Deventer formula. Annual report and proceedings of COSTAction 839: Immunosuppressive viral diseases in, Sayfa 170-178.
J J de Wit (2001) Counting the cost of IBDV. World Poultry, Gumboro Special 2, Sayfa 6-7.
J J de Wit, T H F Fabri & J F Heijmans (2001) Reasons for vaccination failure. Annual report and proceedings of COSTAction 839: Immunosuppressive viral diseases in, Sayfa 168-170.
J J de Wit, E A M Graat, H Smetsers, J F Heijmans & H W Saatkamp (2001) Epidemiological and economic aspectsof IBDV in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the 2nd International symposium on infectious bursal disease and chicken infectious anaemia. Rauischholzhausen, Germany , Sayfa 278-280.
J J de Wit, J F Heijmans, D R Mekkes & A A W M van Loon (2001) Validation of five commercially available ELISAs for the detection of antibodies against infectious bursal disease virus (serotype 1). Avian Pathology, 30 , 543-549.
H W Saatkamp, P B M Berentsen and J J de Wit (2000) Animal Health economics: principles and applications to Gumboro Disease.
Wit J J de en A A W M van Loon (namens de Gumboro-werkgroep) (1998) Gumboro-vaccinatie. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde , 123,7-10.
Wit J J de (1998) Gumboro disease: estimation ofoptimal time of vaccination by the Deventer formula (1998). Polish Veterinary Journal, 3 (nr 25),19-22.
D R Mekkes and J J de Wit (1994) Diagnostic tools in detection, variant and virulent strains and antibody. World Poultry, Gumboro Special.
Braunius W W, en Wit J J (1990) De ziekte van Gumboro blijft deaandacht vragen: een ‘case study’. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde , 115: 207-211.
William Baxendale

Isim: William Baxendale
Akademik Ünvan: BVM&S MRCVS
Foxholes Farm, Leighton Bromswold, Huntingdon, CAMBS, UK
Ilgi alanlari:
Immunoloji, hastaliklarin diyagnostik yaklasimi (kontrolü), saha asi uygulamalari, virus tiplendirme (örn: IBDV ve IBV)
Su an ilgilendigi projeler:
Virus Discovery – the isolation of viruses from emergent diseases.
1999 yılında intervet UK’ den kısmi emekli olduktan sonra (1971 den beri araştırma direktörü olarak görev yapmakta idi )
Intervet bilimsel danışmanı
Virolojikler araştırma birimi başkanlığı
IBDV suşlarının tiplendirilmesi (RT-PCR, sekanslama (sequencing), izolasyon, kros koruma çalışmaları) ve saha aşı uygulamalarının optimizasyonu , IBV testinin geliştirilmesi.
Seçme yayınları:
Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro Disease) (2001) W BAXENDALE In: Poultry Diseases Ed. F T W Jordan & M Pattison. WB Saunders Co. Ltd
Current methods of delivery of poultry vaccines (1996) W BAXENDALE Poultry Immunology Poul. Sc. Symposium Vol 24 p 375-387 (Invited review).
The development of an apathogenic infectious bursal agent vaccine. Field trial results (1975) W BAXENDALE Proc. 25th Poultry Disease Conference, California, USA Sayfa 42-45.
The results of field trials with an Inactivated Gumboro Vaccine (1982) p 211-219 W BAXENDALE International Symposium on Immunisation of Adult Birds with Ovt Adjuvant Vaccines, Lyon, France. Develop. Biol. Standard 51.
Immunity to Infectious Bursal Disease (1981) W BAXENDALE and D Lütticken Avian Immunity p 228-233 Ed. M E Rose, L N Payne, B M Freeman, Edinburgh British Poultry Science Ltd. (Invited review).